Suna Fruit and Vegetables

It offers the fruits it grows in Bursa or the products of the farmers who grow fruits, to the domestic and foreign markets by cooperating with the farmers at every stage.
It always manages to achieve the highest quality in the season, with its expert personnel employed within its structure.
fruits; After correctly sorting and packaging in the field, we start the first link of the cold air chain. Thus, we extend the life of fruits with the right packaging and the right storage conditions.
To maintain our success, we strive to improve ourselves and the farmers we cooperate with each season. We learn together, we produce together.
The source of our strength is teamwork and working together.

Vision: The fruits grown in our country; to produce, package and present to domestic and foreign markets in world standards without disturbing the ecological balance with sustainable agriculture.

Mission: By following principled, honest, transparent, traceable, common mind methods through teamwork; is to strengthen the position of our customers in the market.


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Aenean et sodales est nibh vestibulum lorem


Aenean et sodales est nibh vestibulum lorem

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Aenean et sodales est nibh vestibulum lorem